Utilize Your Email List
One of the most effective ways for businesses to communicate with their customers during the COVID-19 pandemic is email. Many small businesses already have an email list at their fingertips. This list is highly useful during these uncertain times because it allows you to send relevant information straight to your customers’ inboxes regarding any changes your business has made due to COVID-19.
Send a Text
Texting can be used in lieu of email if your business has a relatively small list of clients. It allows you to share timely information in small spurts. If your customers have signed up to receive text updates, you can send out a text blast or send individually.
Give Them a Call
In the event your business primarily concentrates on a few major clients, it would be beneficial to call them. Not only does a phone conversation give you the opportunity to share company changes with your most valued clients, it also gives your clients the chance to ask questions and receive direct responses.
Arrange a Video Chat
If you typically communicate with your clients in person, then arranging a video chat is most appropriate. Moreover, a video chat allows you to share visuals with ease.
Download Chat Apps
Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp are highly popular, user-friendly chat apps. Businesses can use these apps to communicate with their customers and offer live virtual customer support. Both apps allow you to share a direct link of your chat profile, so your customers know exactly where to go with their inquiries. If you have any pertinent updates, you can also use these apps to send out individual messages.