Always Conduct Audience Testing Prior to Investing in Social Ads
Too often, companies that initiate a social ad strategy do so without conducting audience testing. Even if a company has conducted thorough research on their target audience and have identified various key characteristics, such as geographical location, age range and interests, audience testing is still needed to ensure social advertising reaches its full potential. Conveniently, Facebook offers a split testing feature that allows users to test a maximum of five ads simultaneously. This is helpful because you’ll be able to determine which ads are expected to yield the highest ROI without spending your entire ad budget all at once. Twitter, TikTok, and Pinterest don’t have a split-testing feature, but you can rely on an informed conjecture that defines your target audience for your ad using a minimal amount of funds, and proceed to make changes as you see fit.
Properly Handle Any and All Negative Feedback
Depending on your budget and your standing in the market, social ads have the potential to be viewed by thousands or even millions of people. However, all that attention is likely to bring about some amount of negative reaction. Whether a previous client of yours is upset or people simply don’t care for your advertisement, negative feedback will compromise your sales as potential customers rely heavily on product and service reviews (and comments) prior to making a purchase. Although virtual assistants can be hired to handle negative feedback, the most effective approach is to utilize software.
Have an Action Plan
The primary objective of a social ad strategy is to motivate your audience to take action. Therefore, it’s critical to provide the viewers of your ads with a clear call to action. If your ads are merely informative, your viewers may click on your ad and be directed to your website, but they most likely won’t take any further action. So, be sure to include a specific actionable step they can take, whether it’s to make a purchase, read your latest blog post, or follow your social media accounts. As an example, Global Web Index found that including a “buy” button on a social ad significantly increases the chances that a viewer will make a purchase, according to Entrepreneur. Not only is this type of call to action clear, it’s also simple. The button streamlines the sales process and eliminates the need to search for and through your website to make a purchase.